inspiring conscious, connected earth care
in the community and across networks
Are you looking to bring your place back to greater biodiversity, beauty and resilience? As holistic practitioners of bush regeneration, we come with respect, observation, experience, tools and technique.
g’day, we’re bushtekniq..
.. a family business committed to enhancing natural bush regeneration, using ecologically sensitive technique and ethical perspective. We have worked for nearly two decades as bush regenerators, and since 2015 bushtekniq has cared for hundreds of sites, collaborating with landholders, councils, government, NGO’s and community associations. We love to share our learnings through practical workshops, community events and presentations.
we facilitate learning experiences through practical workshops, regen events, presentations and educational programs
bushtekniq can help you restore your place to natural diversity and resilience, with a range of innovative tools and techniques
growing a sense of belonging in country, ecology and community empowers us to act for the health of the earth